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Dreams Interpretation Notes

Updated: Jul 27, 2019

Dreams are the sources for new ideas. Take a sound sleep if you feel sleepy!

"No dream symbol can be separated from the individual who dreams it." --Talmud

Elements of dreams are not simply stand-ins for other things.

Although regarded as a way of recording the unconscious, dreams can reflect both real and subreal lives.

Cayce believed that the two purposes of dreams, are

- to solve problems in a dreamers's everyday life

- to help dreamers be less consumed by their worldly problems so they can connect with a spiritual dimension and a higher reality.

Dream inspires work to a certain extent.

Fun facts: In Harry Potter and the Prisioner of Azkaban, Dumbledore asks Snape not to wake Harry: "Let him sleep. For in dreams, we enter a world that is entirely our own. Let him swim in the deepest ocean or glide over the highest cloud."

Facing nightmares: Even if it is a horrible dream, try to get whatever inspiration you can from it for the current task / invention.

If your subconscious plays your dream a second time, pay attention to it.

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