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Application Development

NPSWebApp - Kiosk Info Desk

  • Provided tools to assist users in state and designation filtering, name and keyword search with JavaScript and AJAX

  • Listed details about specific visitor centers and displayed alerts, articles, etc. about a selected destination



Infection Analysis

Budget Savings Mobile App

  • Implemented Camera API in Android Studio

  • Researched on image-classification and text-recognition with Google Vision API and Tesseract OCR

Personality Analysis


  • Preprocessed datasets of Amazon reviews in Python into personality types (the MBTF scale) using sent2vec and word embedding

  • Classified, trained the preprocessed dataset with KNN algorithm, in C++

  • Predicted labels of 1000 data items

Chat Interface

Campus Safety Web Application

  • Detected user location using JavaScript and Google Map API

  • Sent texts to emergency contacts with SMS API

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